Nate Pedersen

NATE PEDERSEN is an award-winning writer and historian in Savannah, Georgia. He is the co-author of QUACKERY: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything (Workman, 2017), PATIENT ZERO: A Curious History of the World’s Worst Diseases (Workman, 2021), and PSEUDOSCIENCE: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Explain Everything (Workman, 2025). All three books were co-written with Lydia Kang, MD. Their books have been published in 12 languages around the world.

Nate is a Contributing Writer with Fine Books & Collections magazine and his narrative nonfiction has appeared in The Believer, The Guardian, and Mental Floss amongst others. His academic writing has appeared in Oregon Historical Quarterly and Emerging Civil War.

As collaborative art projects, Nate edited the Lovecraftian anthologies THE STARRY WISDOM LIBRARY: The Catalogue of the Greatest Occult Book Auction of All Time, (PS, 2014) and its companion THE DAGON COLLECTION: An Auction Catalogue of Items Recovered in the Federal Raid on Innsmouth, Mass (PS, 2024). Nate also edited SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Histories (Chaosium, 2021) and contributed a story to THE LEAVES OF A NECRONOMICON (Chaosium, 2022) edited by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.

A native of Minnesota, Nate has a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology and a master’s degree in library and information studies from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Nate enjoys biking, birding, traveling the back roads, and tracking down historic trees.